
I didn’t always have it figured out

I didn’t always have it figured out

Easily & conveniently. Take control of your health.

Most people can’t believe this was me… We’ve all been through body changes & lifestyle changes.

how to lose 21 pounds in 12 weeks

Through years of training & Injuring myself, feeling depressed & out of energy.

I realized:
I didn’t have it figured out…


I didn’t always know about or practiced intermittent fasting.
I didn’t always know, that alcohol was high in calories & can cause serious side effects.
I didn’t always know, to be aware of how much to eat or what to eat.
I didn’t always know, how to actually work out the right way & what it means to be consistent.
I didn’t always enjoy waking up early & I sure as heck, wasn’t always disciplined.
1 day, I decided that there WOULD NEVER be a better time than NOW.
  • Worked on each habit, step by step.
  • Made a plan.
  • Executed DAILY FOR YEARS &
  • STILL currently, working on many of these things.


If you are ready to make some changes, I still have some spots to fill in my august group for the 12 week revitalize you program.
– Committed to finally making a lasting change for yourself & your family.
-Consider yourself to be COACHABLE and open-minded
-Ready to get away from strict diets & cookie-cutter workouts..
-Want to see guaranteed results & enter the fall on a high note.
-Remember it’s not what you do, it’s how you do it & I can coach you to do it the easiest & most convenient way for you.
Send me a message back on email.
I am giving away a 33% discount on the entire program to anyone who signs up from this EMAIL.
Follow me on IG and Direct Message me with any questions or to find out about the next step.

Check out my website

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