
Is your heart health important to you? Does it really matter…?

Push-ups & heart risk decrease
Following up on the email last week, why should you work out? I gave a bunch of reasons: better sleep, more confidence, improved mental health,longer life span & I forgot to mention it can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease by 96%

Push-ups could help you live longer🤯😱🤩

“In a 10-year Harvard University study published in February, researchers reported that men who can do 40 pushups have a 96% lower risk of heart disease than guys who can’t muster 10. The average man in the study: Nearly 40 years old and overweight, but not obese. All 1,562 men were physically active firefighters rather than office workers. The study’s results strengthen the case that muscle-building promotes heart health.”


Can’t do 40 pushups? No biggie, In the study, even men who could do only 11 pushups dropped their risk of heart disease by whopping 64%. The biggest difference, is in those who do not exercise & those who at least do some. Some exercise has more benefits than no exercise.

Go crush your workout!📈

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