
Frustrated with your weight? LOSE 21 POUNDS in 12 weeks.Easily & conveniently. Take control of your health.


Tired of being tired?⬇️⬇️⬇️

Do you feel like poop & not happy with your overall health?

Suffer from Lack of energy, drive & willpower?



how to lose 21 pounds in 12 weeks


I know how you feel, because I been there.

when I show people this picture people can’t believe it. I often hear “well you’re a trainer its easy for you”, or “ you’ve always looked like that, you’re naturally skinny. ” & the reality is that at the end of college & after,  I really let myself go a FEW times as you can see above lol.
I was in a dark place at this time. I played sports all of high school which helped me stay slim, but those days were long gone. I worked out & thought I ate well… I obviously had no idea what I was doing. I was slightly depressed & over stressed. Drinking & eating all sorts of fast food & moving less because, working full time & going to school full time, doesn’t leave as much time for anything extra.
I wasn’t happy, felt super stressed & After a couple of fat jokes I had enough! I was determined to make some serious changes at 27 years old, these changes were:
-Stopped drinking alcohol .
-Stopped eating franchised fast food .
-Went vegetarian(was a temporary decision)
-Made a commitment to myself to hit the gym 3x a week no matter how busy life was.


It took some serious work & thought me at a young age, how important patience & building new habits are, to grow & maintain that new level I had reached.
I am 34 now, so when you see the younger, more healthy & young looking coach E, just know, it wasn’t overnight lol or always like this. It’s been years of consistency, along with discipline ,patience & execution which I still work on to this day.
what can help you make some changes you cant seem to get by yourself?
-Hire a coach, this will provide a professional approach & support.
-Innerstand that your habits are caused by behavior.
-Smarter exercising
-mindset changes
– lifestyle changes
-Committing to these changes for months to years.

If you are ready to make some changes, I still have some spots to fill in my august group for the 12 week revitalize you program.
– Committed to finally making a lasting change for yourself & your family.
-Consider yourself to be COACHABLE and open-minded
-Ready to get away from strict diets & cookie-cutter workouts..
-Want to see guaranteed results & enter the fall on a high note.
-Remember it’s not what you do, it’s how you do it & I can coach you to do it the easiest & most convenient way for you.
Send me a message back on email.
I am giving away a 33% discount on the entire program to anyone who signs up from this EMAIL.
Follow me on IG and Direct Message me with any questions or to find out about the next step.


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